Can You Hear Me? Just Say “NO!” (Or Hang Up)

Reports have surfaced about a new scam using a familiar line.  Scammers call, identify themselves by name and company and during the momentary pause that follows, the scammer says, “Can you hear me?”  Of course we all respond, “yes,” and then we hang up or say we’re not interested or let loose a string of expletives.  You get my point.  But no matter how you respond– the damage is done.

The scammer records your yes response and neatly places it in a recording making it sound like you answered yes to ordering various goods.  When you later call to complain, you are met with the sound of your own voice verifying the purchase.  As a matter of fact, these folks are bold enough to threaten to sue you if you don’t pay for your “order.”

There are so many creative scams out there it is important to remember a few simple rules that might eliminate a great deal of inconvenience (or money loss) later:

DO NOT answer calls from numbers you don’t recognize.

DO NOT verify your phone number with anyone you didn’t call.

DO NOT give out personal information on any call you did not initiate.

It is not likely we can avoid all scammers– but let’s not make it easy for them!